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Upcoming Book Signing and Preparing for Yours

Once you have completed your book, it's time to celebrate by sharing your publication with the world! A great way to do that is to host a book signing where you sell and sign books, or you sign books that were purchased online. This is a great way to build your audience for future publications, as well as spend time with your supporters and thank them. There are so many venues, program outlines, treats and gifts to consider. But you can't go wrong. Your signing can match your book topic and your personality.

The labor involved in writing and producing a book has been compared to carrying and delivering a baby. Planning for and hosting a book signing can be compared to planning for a wedding reception! Personally, I say MAKE IT FUN!!! Maybe have music and even dance a bit. I've created a video with ideas, and also included is an invitation to an upcoming book signing of authors of Hadassah's Crown Publishing. There have been some great signings throughout this year, and what I've learned from authors is you don't have to stop at one. Consider moving them from city to city. Happy signing!



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