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Share Your Favorite Love Story

     Everyone has one. Not all result in 60 years of blissful marriage. Some ended after a day, while some may have lasted three months. But everyone has a romantic love story of some sort.

    If you desire to be a published author and want to share your favorite love story, whether it lasted or went North, South, East or West, you should consider submitting your story to Hadassah's Crown Publishing, LLC for the February 2020 Anthology entitled Love Gone Right, Love Gone Wrong. Maybe you found your soul mate in high school, but just maybe you had 100 dates before Mr. or Mrs. Right appeared. Maybe you're still searching, but have an almost-love story to share. Or you truly had a love, and death or divorce separated you. Whatever your story, we're encouraging you to share. This anthology seeks contributions from men, women and teens.  

     Hadassah's Crown Publishing, LLC was founded in 2016 by Amazon Best-Selling Author Dr. Sonia Cunningham Leverette. As a former English teacher, avid reader and writer, Dr. Leverette's vision is to share the gift of publishing with others. Self-publishing is not for everyone. The industry has intricacies that can be time-consuming and mind-boggling for a working individual consumed with life's many responsibilities.

     Often, naysayers question the credentials of new authors. My opinion, for what it's worth, is that your willingness to share your story in print can make you an author. I don't believe you have to be an experienced, fluent writer in order to author a book. Many books are published by children, high school or college dropouts or uneducated individuals. Books are popping up everywhere all the time, and I think it's remarkable. Again, what qualifies an author to me is simply having a story and a willingness to share. Please understand that editing is a critical component of publishing, including copy editing, line editing, developmental editing and proofreading.        

     Publishing can open doors for new networking opportunities and can help you earn extra cash. Hadassah's Crown makes publishing easy and affordable, and our services are friendly and personable. If you know of others desiring to share their stories, please share this opportunity with them.

     Submissions for the anthology should be typed in 12-point font Times New Roman, and the spacing should be 1.5. Because we are a Christian publisher, we will not accept manuscripts with profanity or scenes of a sexual nature. Manuscripts of 500-800 words should be submitted by November 27, 2019 to receive full consideration. Space is limited to 12 authors, and the publication is scheduled to be released on or near Valentine's Day 2020.

    Visit the Service Tab at and upload your typed manuscript, or email it directly to Expect responses within two to four weeks. Best wishes to you, and thanks in advance for sharing your story. Happy Writing!


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