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New Year Filled With New Opportunities!

Though 2020 will be recorded in history as a tumultuous year for many reasons, we must reminisce on the positive. We are grateful that God has blessed Hadassah's Crown Publishing to surpass a milestone of shelving 50 books since our journey began in 2016! Indeed this wondrous, God-ordained journey has included over 40 authors that we are grateful for as well. Our shelf continues to fill up, but there's room for new titles. Our commitment remains to be excellence with integrity.

Your Call to Action

Read, read, read.

Write, write, write.

Edit, edit, edit.

Proofread, proofread, proofread.

If you're interested in publishing, contact us for a custom quote.

Need illustrators? We can connect you.

Don't delay your dream of publishing.

If you no longer want to receive emails from Hadassah's Crown Publishing, LLC, don't hesitate to let us know.

We wish you much success, and a very Happy New Year!



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