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HCP Celebrates 6th Year, Hires SC State Intern

If you've been following Hadassah's Crown Publishing (HCP), then you know my story. If you haven't, I'd like to share. In March 2016, after publishing five of my own titles, I was led to publish for others. In searching for a Biblical name, I landed on "Hadassah," the Hebrew name for Queen Esther.

Why Queen Esther, you might ask? In the short Book of Esther, Hadassah's name is discreetly changed to Esther so she can become queen and represent her people with loyalty, integrity, grace, and strength. Please read the short book in order to fully understand the story in its entirety. Esther is a role model because she was known to be as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside. "Hadassah" means "compassion," and this company was founded on that very premise. After I was blessed with an opportunity to initially publish with Praise Unlimited under Best Selling Christian Author Vanessa Miller, I wanted to extend the world of publishing to others and simplify the multi-faceted industry for my clients. HCP tailors packages to meet the needs of individual authors by offering full services or coaching. We are blessed to have nearly 100 titles on the shelf and to have served nearly 70 authors. While the number of books we have sold is nearing 100,000, our outreach and ministry are what's most important. Our goal is to impact lives globally, and because our authors stretch from the West Coast to the East Coast, our publications have now reached almost every continent.


Nia Smith is a rising junior communications major at South Carolina State University in Orangeburg, SC. She is from Greenville, South Carolina and a graduate of Mauldin High School. Nia enjoys watching tv shows, songwriting, nature and just having new experiences. Her mother, Nicole Smith, is a former teacher and her father, Travis Smith, is retired. Nia plans to work in public relations and she is already improving our social media campaigns. Welcome, Nia! We are grateful for your interest, time, and dedication to HCP!

Thank you for following and being a part of our journey!!


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