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Father and Son Strengthen Relationship Through First Book

Shaun Levine and his son Elijah have officially released their first children’s book, After School. Throughout this year-long process, the Orlando, Florida father and son team strengthened their relationship through art and passion for academic achievement, as their book shares the impact of relationships, educational goals and decision-making opportunities youth in every community encounter daily. Their main character, Eli Bowden, overcomes temptation to place homework on the back burner and remains focused on his grades and achievement. During the process, he positively influences a classmate he has challenged. Through the beautiful and colorful illustrations by Brelyn Griffin as well as the engaging storyline, readers will be inspired to make improved choices as they head home After School.

Book Description

Practices, clubs, chores and homework, just a sample list of activities children and their parents are faced with After School. For Eli Bowden, Tuesday evening is filled with homework, family togetherness and sacrifice. After School shares the impact of relationships, educational goals and decision-making opportunities youth in every community encounter daily. Learn Eli's influences and formulas for success, and how his challenge inspires a classmate.

ISBN: 978-1-950894-11-6

Price: $15.99

Availability: Amazon,, Coming to Barnes and Noble,


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