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A Forgiven Sinner -- A Worthy Mother's Day Gift

Who doesn't love a good love story with twists and turns and lots of romance in between? Well fresh on the shelf is A Forgiven Sinner by Kendra Dansby. At the end of the day, the lost soul of the main character finds salvation, so this novel aligns with and propels our Christian mission. The author warns readers well..."This book is not for the holier than thou people. It is not for judgmental people. It is not for perfect people. But it is for sinners and forgiven sinners. In other words, people who were born in sin and those who have a past, I’m talking to you. I’m talking to those who have made mistakes, those who are still making mistakes, and those who need a little more Jesus. I remember a quote “Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future,” by Oscar Wilde. In this story, you will find that the beginning starts out mild, then the middle gets very graphic and (R-Rated), meaning that this is not a fairy tale story for immature audiences. Then, the end is more spiritual, as the main character is going through a process where God is dealing with her on another level of deliverance and spirituality."

Book Description

It was the beginning of a luxurious lifestyle that presented the finer things in life, until a young female, Bella, was faced with a family tragedy that turned her life upside down. Then, she began looking for love in all the wrong places, anything to fill the void and brokenness. It led to a troublesome college year and young adult life of lust, love, sin, crime and even imprisonment. Being bound by guilt and past hurts, in addition to the cruelty faced while locked up, this young woman realized that a change was needed. She began seeking God's deliverance and closure.

About the Author

LaKendra Renee Tennant Dansby is a native of McCormick, South Carolina. She is a graduate of

the University of Phoenix with a degree in Health Care Administration and the South Carolina

Criminal Justice Academy with a law enforcement background. She loves God and accepted Jesus

Christ as her personal savior in 1996. Dansby is happily married to Curtis, and together they share

five children and two grandchildren. Her hobbies are reading, writing, shopping, and spending time

with family. She enjoys encouraging others and putting a smile on people’s faces.

Contacting the Author

The author can be contacted at

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