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Hadassah's Crown March 2020 Update

New Subscribers

Our website has noticed an uptick in subscribers. Thank you to our newest members, as well as our past subscribers, for your interest. We appreciate your presence and support. We are here to serve, so let us know how we can encourage literacy in your home or community.


Publishing coaching is one of the newest services added to Hadassah's Crown Publishing's list. The Spill Some Ink Author's Guild, which met at Lyndon's Academy of the Arts in Anderson, SC in February and March, offered a roundtable for published and aspiring authors to share writing and marketing strategies. The networking and fellowship were amazing, and we look forward to our next meeting, TBA. In addition to our publishing services, Hadassah's Crown now offers assistance to authors wanting to self-publishing themselves. Please share this information with aspiring authors.

Fiction Addiction Signing

Our authors may be featured during a signing at the Fiction Addiction Bookstore in Greenville on Saturday, June 6th. Please save the date and stay tuned for more information.

Online Publishing & Coaching Course Coming Soon

Hadassah's Crown Publishing will be launching an online course for aspiring authors considering self-publishing. While there's tons of information available about self-publishing, sifting through it and taking time to learn what works and what doesn't can be a daunting task. We are excited to share the best practices we have learned over the past years. In addition to the well-researched and condensed information that will be made available, each participant will receive two thirty-minute coaching sessions with feedback about their book plan and manuscript. Please help spread the word about this exciting opportunity that will be offered with an introductory discount. The timeline for the course launch and start date will be forthcoming.

Middle School Chapter Book Requested--You Got It!!

In traveling to numerous schools and book fairs and hearing from parents in person and via social media, middle school chapter books are often requested. I, too, have noted the shortage of quality books for this age level. And because writing one has been a goal of mine, I've decided to stop procrastinating and get started! (All of what I'm encouraging in my online course.) Be on the lookout for the title and cover reveal by the end of summer or early fall.

Stay clean and safe! Many blessings to each of you!

Please follow us on Instagram @soniacleverette, Twitter @sonialeverette and like our Hadassah's Crown Publishing FaceBook Page.

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