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New Titles Available

Hadassah's Crown Publishing is pleased to announce two new titles that will make their debuts in March: Soul Lift: 30 Days, 30 Ways to Lift Your Soul by Author Tonya D. Woods and Still Standing by Author Helen Latimore. Congratulations to these returning authors and continued success to them both.

Soul Lift: 30 Days, 30 Ways to Lift Your Soul


Accompanied by a Soul Lift Journal, Soul Lift: 30 Days, 30 Ways to Lift Your Soul reminds readers that life’s journey is filled with challenges. We all fall down and our spirits sink. But we don’t have to stay there. Soul Lift: 30 Days, 30 Ways to Lift Your Soul offers readers hope, encouragement, inspiration and positivity to not just get through life and it’s difficulties, but to live above our circumstances. So take the challenge and experience your Soul Lift...

About the Author

Growing up, Tonya D. Woods was an avid reader at an early age, and writing poetry and short stories were two of her favorite pastimes. Soul Lift: 30 Days, 30 Ways to Lift Your Soul is Author Tonya D. Woods’ second publication. Her first book, Under the Tree, is a children’s book. Ms. Woods is a native of South Carolina, where she serves as an educator.

Still Standing


Life issues blows that can knock us down. But when we’re rooted and grounded in God’s Word, we can stand firmly, “like a tree planted by the water.” Readers will laugh, cry and enjoy short stories about life, death, love and most importantly, faith.

About the Author

Helen Latimore, a native of Laurens, South Carolina, was reared by the late Mrs. Frances Wright, a very strict, loving disciplinarian. Her imagination grew immensely as an only child, and she became passionate about writing poetry, plays and short stories. Her first published book is A Collection of Writings.

Both titles will be available for purchase on,, Barnes and Noble and at other major book retailers.

Coming Soon

Four additional titles will be released later this spring. Please stay tuned for more information about new publications and events! Like our Facebook Page, and invite your friends to visit our webpage and join our newsletter updates.

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