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Gifts That Can Be Reopened, Time and Time Again

What do you do with all of the STUFF you receive for Christmas, birthdays and other special occasions? Are these the items you usually allow to collect dust? Later you add them to your garage sale or toss them in the trunk on your way to the Goodwill or Salvation Army?

It's often troubling to find just the right gift. But this year, I'm not troubling myself. I'm giving books. I'm also giving children's books in honor of adults. Primarily, my books will go to children living in book deserts across the country.

I encourage you to consider giving books for special occasions, as well. As an incentive to those of you who want to donate quality children's books with positive messages, I'm offering five of my titles for $5.00 each. Three are children's books and two are for adults.

Children's Books Descriptions

BJ's Big Dream (Amazon Bestseller)-- What is your favorite dream? BJ has a special dream. He really wants his dream to come true, so he makes a plan. BJ works hard to fix problems that try to stop his dream. While he waits for his dream to happen, he learns that he can do it, if he doesn't quit. In this book, children will learn 1) How to separate real dreams from daydreams 2) Steps to making a real dream come true 3) Hard work can pay off 4) The benefits of planning, setting goals and problem solving.

What Is That Stinky, Winky Eeewww Smell? -- Have you ever had a bad idea? Well, Sanaa does on the day after the egg hunt. Because she learns an important lesson, she escapes punishment by the straws on her basket.

He Never Slumbers -- Imagine a human who never sleeps. Correct -- that is impossible! But God never sleeps or slumbers. He watches us day and night. Caleb, when repeatedly confronted by a bully at school, trusts God to help him through his trial. Through Caleb's dependence on God, he's able to sleep and even hold his head high after some embarrassing moments. His faith pays off, and he learns that with God, all things are possible.

Descriptions of Adult Titles

Love.Hope.Faith. Anthology II -- Volume 2 of the Love. Hope. Faith. Anthologies is filled with stories that will bring tears to your eyes and then put a smile on your face as the reality of God’s love through trials and triumphs shines through in each and every one of these stories of Love, Hope and Faith. If you’re at a point in life where God’s love seems distant, you’ve lost hope in a brighter tomorrow, or you don’t have enough faith to believe that God is able to turn your situation around, then this anthology is for you. Allow the writers of the Love. Hope. Faith. anthologies to take you on a journey that will lead you right back to God and the knowledge of His love.

Love.Hope.Faith. Anthology III -- Volume 3 of the Love. Hope. Faith. anthologies will warm your heart and spirit as you take a journey through love, loss, heartache and rediscovery of the One who sits upon the throne. God loves his people, even as we face hardships and unbelievable pain. The ladies of this anthology are walking epistles of that fact. The Love. Hope. Faith. anthologies are written by women of faith, expressing the struggles that may have devastated their lives. But they are also standing up and declaring that God is good. He is a restorer, a deliverer, and a comforter. So, if you need to be reminded of God’s goodness or His delivering and restoring power, then Love. Hope. Faith. is for you.

Order today at Your book(s) can be shipped as a gift to the child/adult of your choice.

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