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My Friends Lived in the Outlet Is Available

On Friday, September 15, 2017, Amazon Best-Selling Author Dr. Sonia Cunningham Leverette released her fourth children’s book, My Friends Lived in the Outlet. In this book published by Hadassah’s Crown, the main character, Jeremiah, uses his imagination as a cure for his loneliness. As a veteran educator, Dr. Leverette includes meaningful lessons in all of her works. In this latest book, children will learn the following:

  • the power of imagination and creativity

  • the importance of play

  • how to share knowledge with others

  • how to plan and take responsibility.

Dr. Leverette’s first children’s book, Amazon Best-Seller with a 5-star rating, BJ’s Big Dream, was written to help build confidence, discipline and problem solving skills in youth. What Is That Stinky, Winky Eeewww Smell? teaches children to learn from their mistakes, and He Never Slumbers empowers children to overcome bullying.

Dr. Sonia Cunningham Leverette chose a career in education because she is passionate about children and their such. She is saddened by the number of children who commit suicide especially as it relates to bullying. Although this children’s storybook is about a boy who creates his own friends, My Friends Lived in the Outlet inspires children to problem solve to turn any negative situation into a positive. Her desire is to boost children’s self-esteem by providing options that encourage them to think, plan, do and celebrate. When they work toward a goal and claim victory over difficult situations, they have hope for the future.

My Friends Lived in the Outlet has been compared to The Invisible Boy by Trudy Ludwig, a book for parents, teachers, or counselors looking for material that sensitively addresses the needs of quieter children. My Friends Lived in the Outlet has also been compared to How to Be a Friend: A Guide to Making Friends and Keeping Them (Dino Life Guides for Families) by Laurie Krasny Brown and Marc Brown, which teaches children to cope with everyday social situations, including the handling of bosses and bullies. Either of Dr. Leverette's children's books can be purchased from or

About Dr. Sonia Cunningham Leverette (

Passionate about creating tomorrow’s leaders, Dr. Sonia Cunningham Leverette combines her love for children with books. Wife, mother and veteran educator with almost thirty years of experience, Dr. Leverette focuses extensively on meeting the needs of grade school students including how to deal with bullying, leadership, teamwork, goal setting and character building.

For more information, visit or connect on Facebook at

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