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Summer Is Not For Sliding: Avoid the Dip

Research regarding the reading slide too many children take during the summer is not new. So, why did the reading summer reading programs leave schools? Please bring them back! If children will read at least five books, then they are less likely to experience the slide. Summer reading should be fun, and children should select books that match their ability, interests and age. Children should enjoy shopping and selecting books as much as they enjoy shopping for new shoes or video games, if not more. As parents, it is our goal to ensure that children are reading during any breaks, and schools should definitely encourage summer reading. Many book companies are offering packaged deals for summer reads, and most cities, colleges, universities and libraries offer some type of reading programs. As we encourage reading, we should ask our children for summaries of what they read. Occasionally, we should ask them to read aloud, but expecting them to read daily is important. And we must remember to let our children see us reading. Modeling is important because afterall, we are their very first teachers.

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